Welcome to the fortieth ever issue of Monday Morning Data Science from the Fred Hutch Data Science Laboratory. We are excited to show you what we have been working on (Fresh from the Lab), plus links that we think you would be interested in (Our Weekly Bookmarks Bar). Part of the purpose of this newsletter is to start conversations, so if you have a question or there is something you would like to share with us please let us know by responding directly to this email.
Fresh from the Lab
[Training Opportunity for Labs: Openscapes Champions Program] DaSL is extremely excited to partner with Openscapes to bring their Champions Program to seven lucky labs this autumn! The Openscapes Champions Program is a remote cohort-based mentorship experience for labs interested in developing their skills in doing more collaborative, inclusive, reproducible, open data science. Read the linked blog post above for more information, and make sure to register your interest here before August 17th.
[Event: Cancer Informatics Workshops + Lunch] DaSL and the NIH Informatics for Cancer Research Training Network is hosting a series of workshops August 24th-25th (lunch included) about AI for Cancer Informatics and Multidisciplinary Work in Cancer Informatics. Find out more information about the workshops and register for the event using the link above.
[Jobs Jobs Jobs!] The Fred Hutch Data Science Lab is currently hiring two positions: a Cloud Data Engineer who will provide additional cloud and data engineering expertise to DaSL to support cloud based projects large and small in DaSLβs portfolio, and a Software Developer who will work with other DaSL staff to build and share efficient research software, containerize software, and support CI/testing of software and workflow resources created by DaSL.
Our Weekly Bookmarks Bar
[Blog Post: A Straightforward Introduction to Python Decorators] by Zach Mueller.
[Blog Post: Tips for New Principal Investigators in Statistics and Data Science Education Research] by Mine Dogucu.
As always you can contact us by replying directly to this email, you can email Jeff Leek, Amy Paguirigan, and Sean Kross at data@fredhutch.org, or you are welcome to join us on the Fred Hutch Data Slack Workspace. For more information about the Fred Hutch Data Science Lab, visit our website: https://hutchdatascience.org/. See you next week!
- The Fred Hutch Data Science Laboratory