Welcome to the fifty ninth ever issue of Monday Morning Data Science from the Fred Hutch Data Science Laboratory. We are excited to show you what we have been working on (Fresh from the Lab), plus links that we think you would be interested in (Our Weekly Bookmarks Bar). Part of the purpose of this newsletter is to start conversations, so if you have a question or there is something you would like to share with us please let us know by responding directly to this email.
Our Weekly Bookmarks Bar
[Event: Seattle R Ladies Happy Hour] January 9th join R-Ladies Seattle for their monthly happy hour! Come and network with local R-Ladies to make new connections and discuss all things R.
[Event: WiDS 2024 Call for Proposals] The Women in Data Science (WiDS) Puget Sound 2024 conference invites women researchers, professionals, and experts to submit abstracts for presentations related to data science, machine learning, AI, and related technical and career-focused subjects. Submissions are open from November 13, 2023, to January 17, 2024, with the conference scheduled for May 14, 2024, at Seattle University. The selection process will be double-blind and will not accept product pitches.
[Blog Post: Cold-Blooded Software] Patrick Dubroy uses an analogy between cold-blooded animals and software projects to discuss project management. It contrasts "warm-blooded" software projects that require constant activity and updates with "cold-blooded" projects that can survive long periods of inactivity, similar to a painted turtle surviving being frozen, using the author's own blog software as an example of the latter approach.
As always you can contact us by replying directly to this email, you can contact the Data Science Lab at data@fredhutch.org, or you are welcome to join us on the Fred Hutch Data Slack Workspace. For more information about the Fred Hutch Data Science Lab, visit our website: https://hutchdatascience.org/. See you next week!
- The Fred Hutch Data Science Laboratory